The sweetest thing
The baby boy is so sweet now that it's beautiful enough to make me cry.
He used to be such an un-cuddly baby, pushing away with both arms when you tried to hug or cuddle him. He wouldn't even let you console him when he got an owie or was upset about something.
Well, ever since he had a stomach bug on Easter and was so sick throwing up for 5 days that he gave up on pushing away and fighting cuddles, he must have decided that cuddling was pretty ok after all, because now he will let you hug him and not push away, will sometimes lay his head on your chest or shoulder, and my favorite - he will give kisses on his own. He is so determined to give a kiss sometimes that he will grab you and pull you toward him with his mouth open just waiting to kiss you. And when I lay in bed with him while he is drinking his milk, he takes a few drinks, stops, grabs me and pulls me to kiss him, takes some more drinks, stops and pulls and kisses me again, so on and so forth. It is so endearing.